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2008-01-27 11:41:59
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Winners: Elftown's Photograph Competition
- Season Photos -

<news:We Have Our Winners!!>

First Place:

"Misty Forest" By [Tupile]

Runner Up:

"Pretentious Art Rubbish Isn't Cool" By [barutha]

All submissions:
Season Photos, page 1
Season Photos, page 2
Season Photos, page 3
Season Photos, page 4
Season Photos, page 5


Thank you to all that contributed!


Season Photos, page 1

Like all the great contests here, this one has a particular theme so no posting photos of your great Aunt Ethel or the neighbour's dog.
As the month of March often signifies the change of season, we felt that we would like to see some photos that best represent this climatic time of change all over the world. Be it from Winter to Spring in the Northern Hemisphere or from Summer to Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, we want to see it all!

Photographs must be taken by Elftowners and posted here by the original photographer. Which means, no matter how much you might like a particular image on somebody's house, you are not allowed to add it here without the photographer's permission. Please put forth your best effort and the best quality, i.e. no coffe stained, faded Kodachrome photos from the 1960's. Any such entry will be removed. Each member may enter 2 entries!! Please keep in mind that it is possible that a photograph has the same title as another one. This is not against the rules as long as the photographers' names are clear.
Ok... a few last minute notes: While this is a photograph based competition, we will not be accepting photomanipulations for this particular contest. We want to see your photos of what best depicts the change of seasons, no fairies or unicorns this time around.
Do not feel limited to nature only shots. Anything you feel is a sign of changing seasons is welcomed... just be ready to explain your photo if the need arises.

Since the chosen images will be featured on Main Street, we would like to keep them fairly small. Your image should be no wider than 300 pixels and the height should be no more than 500. Be creative but please keep that in mind!

Subject Matter:
Submissions for Mainstreet will not be accepted if they feature violence or disturbing actions. Only photographs will be accepted.

What will we be expecting? Creativity and change-of-season based photos: melting snow, muddy fields, monsoons, - you get the idea.

Deadline: March 21, 2005

How to post it here:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Don't forget to write its title and your user name. For example:

1. "Title" - [insert user name]

Two Photographs will be chosen by the Council and the Assembly among all those presented.
The winners will receive the colored badge and the participants will receive the green version of it:

<img:img/new/shutterbug1.gif> <img:img/new/shutterbug2.gif>


CONTEST CLOSED!! Thanks to all who participated!!


Post Photographs Here:

1. *image deleted* -stolen copyrighted image

2. "Sunflowers With An Overcast Sky" By:[Lizzies Diamond]

3. "Red Sky At Night...." - [Keii]

4. "Melting" - [Keii]

5. "Red Tulips Against White Snow" - [Kelaria]

6. "Snow Drop Lovers Cuddling in the Snow" - [Kelaria]

7. "Pretentious Art Rubbish Isn't Cool" - [barutha]

8. "Ride The Snake (To The Lake)" - [barutha]

9. "Early Sunset" -[Ricco]

10. "Melting Snow" - [Noexistantanymo]

11."leafs" -(so original i know!)-[Cloudwatcher]

12. "Sunlight breaks though" - [Catlover]

13. "Golden Raindrops" - [Jess!]

14. "Summer Storm" - [Jess!]

15. **image removed** - did not suit theme

16. "Last rays of summer" - [musicalfairy]

17. **image removed** - did not suit theme

18. **image removed** - did not suit theme

19. "By The Broken Bridge" - [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]

20. *image deleted* - stolen copyrighted image

21. **image removed** - did not suit theme

22. "Fall Colour"- [Mirime]

23. "Witch Hazel Unfurling" - [Catkin]

24. **image removed** - did not suit theme

25. **image removed** - did not suit theme

26. "Fire Sky" - [Moonhawk]


27. "SNOW!" - [AndrewJacobG]


28. "Winter 1-1-05!" [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]

29. "the first snowdrops in the backyard" [Ishje]


30. "the unstoppable melting" by [Ipsilon]

31. "Celtic Change" By: [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]

32. "Daffodils," By: [Alfirin Lindlea]

33. **image removed** - did not suit theme

34. **image removed** - did not suit theme

35. "Tradition" by: [Cougar]

36. "What Lives Beneath The Ice" [Lizzies Diamond]

37. "Life from Darkness" [Roccoriel]

38. "swans in winter" [da soul sistaz]

39. "snow elfs" [da soul sistaz]

40. "Endless Dawn" [Ramirez]


Please edit the page adding the number of your artwork and a break-line...


Go to or Return to:
- Season Photos, page 2
- Season Photos, page 3
- Season Photos, page 4
- Season Photos, page 5
- ET Photograph Competition

Username (or number or email):


2005-02-23 [Charybdis]: Ah, [Soul Guardian], anyone with Windows XP knows that you didn't take that picture -_-

2005-02-24 [Yuriona]: Image removed and a report sent to the guards. Thank you [Charybdis]

2005-02-24 [Galain]: There's gonna be a lot of photos up here that have just been sourced on the net I'd imagine. Perhaps ask for 2 photos, one of the subject, and one control with a sign reading 'Elftown' or something in it.

2005-02-24 [Moonhawk]: hmmm this looks like fun!

2005-02-24 [random23423]: sorry that i'm amateur, and i'm not too sure if i met the theme, but its my attempt

2005-02-24 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: will you guys help me decide of mine fitsthe theme // its thebus one in my pro ..

2005-02-24 [~u hate me, i know u do~]: Does anyone know how to make a photo smaller than it is originally?

2005-02-24 [Savien]: you can type in a size in the image tage, right after the img just type the number of pixels wide you want it to be, like img500: for instance.

2005-02-24 [Savien]: and then you can click on the image, and it will automatically link to the full sized image as well.

2005-02-24 [Savien]: or you can resize it before you upload it.

2005-02-24 [Savien]: X Bang x Bang..x You're x Dead X, I don't believe that photo shows anything that has to do with the theme. Sorry.

2005-02-24 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: ok its cool . i was jw .. i live in fl so ill find something

2005-02-24 [Jess!]: What beautiful photos! Very impressive :) I really like the second one, of the sunflowers.

2005-02-24 [~u hate me, i know u do~]: Thank you [Savien] for the help

2005-02-24 [Savien]: No prob. :)

2005-02-24 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: My picture is here! YAY!

2005-02-24 [Noexistantanymo]: Btw [Yuriona], when the winners are decided, are you going to choose one winter -> Spring pic and one Summer -> Autumn, or are you just choosing the two best?

2005-02-24 [inazuma]: Are black and white pictures allowed?

2005-02-24 [Penguinlord]: hey some of these aren't less than 300pixles wide!

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: i try to put somthing up, but it doenst work..i cannot see where i did somthing wrong

2005-02-24 [Keii]: You need to take out the '300.0jpg' at the end

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: yea but if you take a look at the page where you can edit your pic, it is not shown there..only here you can see the 300,jpg 

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: < img300:>

2005-02-24 [Keii]: Yeah, I've just seen... I'm not sure why it won't come up. Everythings typed in right...

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: yea i see it too...and i wrilly dont get it...i only know i have this on all wiki's, i cannot put any photo on

2005-02-24 [Keii]: You'll probably have to ask [Yuriona] - all I can suggest, is trying to upload it onto your et page again, and then trying it again from there...

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: yea i have it uploaded on my et paige allready..but i will try again

2005-02-24 [Keii]: The snowdrops? It's very pretty

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: is snowdrops the english name? :D cool becouse i did not know the name in english i did not know how to call it

2005-02-24 [Keii]: Yep, they're called snowdrops ^-^

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: :D nice :D but the pic is still not working :(

2005-02-24 [Keii]: Yeah, I can see... I'm sorry, but I don't know why... I guess you'll just have to wait until someone who knows, logs on...

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: ok, i will wait *keeps on waiting*

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: now it is working :D thank you [hji]

2005-02-24 [Keii]: What was wrong then? Great photo btw. ^-^

2005-02-24 [Ishje]: i used the wrong url...or shomthing ... thanks :D

2005-02-24 [Keii]: Ah...

2005-02-24 [Alfirin Lindlea]: Heh... witness the power of the camera phone

2005-02-24 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: ugg all of these are so good ! .. i dont think anything i try will compare to these .. i just recently got into photograpgy .. and all i have is a digital camera for now .. ugg .

2005-02-24 [Alfirin Lindlea]: I'm sure your entry will be awesome! Mine's just some snaps from my phone. Enter it - I'm sure you'll kick ass!

2005-02-24 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: yeahh . im having a problem sticking to the theme .. im in florida .. we dont really get seasons .. i thought about using the pic on my page .. but it doesnt fit the theme other than a few rain drops ... but i have time . so ill go try this weekend for something .. this is gunna be fun !

2005-02-24 [Ocean Soul]: A digital camera is something for a start, right?!

2005-02-24 [Noexistantanymo]: Don't complain about that.. It's all i want to use.. I would prefer a Mediacore digicam instead of a good optic. .o.o

2005-02-24 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: haha yeah .. ill manage something.. i have all different settings on my camera . so its cool

2005-02-24 [Ocean Soul]: I´m not complaining.. ^^

2005-02-24 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: im just new at this .. so im still trying to figure tings out ..

2005-02-24 [Yuriona]: [Cougar] you will have to upload your photo directly to Elftown please.

2005-02-25 [Kelaria]: I changed one of my photos :) what do you think of the new one Yuriona?? ^^

2005-02-25 [Yuriona]: Very nice. ^^

2005-02-25 [Lizzies Diamond]: I have My second entry in ...Does it qualify?

2005-02-25 [Yuriona]: Yup that's good. ^^ Just had to move it.

2005-02-25 [Lizzies Diamond]: Okey Day ..Thanks Much

2005-02-25 [barutha]: oh hey, while youre at it, would you mind jusging this: <poll:44772>, for out photo forum thing.

2005-02-25 [Elmiira]: so cool! I love photgraphing.. I'm just not so good at it yet.. I'm not sure am I good enough to enter here...

2005-02-25 [Ramirez]: Hope I didn't break any rules uploading that. x.x

2005-02-25 [Ramirez]: Uh, there's too many characters, so, sorry about that x.x

2005-02-26 [Blasphemous Rumours]: These photos are amazing!

2005-02-26 [Noexistantanymo]: Of course they are.. Nature is beautifull..

2005-02-26 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Yeah it is! ^_^

2005-02-26 [Elmiira]: yeah.. these are so cool.. heh, it's kinda hard to take "changing of season"-photos here.. cause it's still total winter here. actually snowing right now. no melting snow or muddy fields to photograph.. heh, so I guess, you just have to be creative..

2005-02-26 [Noexistantanymo]: Same here o.o, and when i get back home all the snow've already melted X_X (I'm in Sthlm and live in south sweden, the few degrees in difference are enough)

2005-02-26 [Elmiira]: yeah it is.. but there's not much hope that the season would changew during the time the contest is opened.. cause the snow normally starts to melt only on april and not even on the beginning of it.. :( but yeah.. have to figure out something..

2005-02-26 [Noexistantanymo]: I took one of my pics that's 2 years old >> <<

2005-02-26 [Elmiira]: hmm.. where is that pic?

2005-02-26 [Noexistantanymo]: Mine? Entry #10..

2005-02-26 [Elmiira]: I like it. :) maybe not beautiful but there's something that makes it good. the real spirit of coming spring.. I always have something to say about photos like that, but maybe this isn't the best place to write an essay of your pic...

2005-02-26 [Noexistantanymo]: Heh.. I can't go out and get any good pictures during this weather... And i always got something special in my pictures.. I guess It's just luck.. X_X Look at my house at the two i got there..

2005-02-26 [Elmiira]: wow, WOW, I like those two really much! really, they're good ones.

2005-02-26 [Noexistantanymo]: Heh.. As i said, It's just luck that captures the good part in the pic X_X Just a pity i can't use them here..-.-'

2005-02-26 [Elmiira]: yeah.. I have got something really nice in couple of my photos too.. luck I guess too. :)

2005-02-26 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: There ish still snow here!

2005-02-26 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: it doesnt snow here :( .. were getting sooo much rain tho .

2005-02-26 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Oh, that sucks!

2005-02-26 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: yeah it does ! i hate florida ..

2005-02-27 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Oh see thats why it doesn't snow, lol.. to warm there!

2005-02-27 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: yeah i know ! . and it sucks ... : (

2005-02-27 [Rennie]: eh I've lived here all my life, it's not so bad...

2005-02-27 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: hmm .

2005-02-27 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: It could be bad if you grew up around snow! Someone please would like it more than other do.

2005-02-27 [Wild Rose]: these pictures are all so beautiful! and i love snow, it's great to stand in the middle of a snowstorm and dance around! it gives such a great feeling

2005-02-27 [Charybdis]: Yeah ^_^ Although when you have it for six months out of the year you do tend to get tired of it.. -_-;

2005-02-27 [faedeintothesea]: Woo all the pics look so Pretty!!!!! i wish i could take stentorian photos of immaculance like those.....

2005-02-27 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: wow bid words ..

2005-02-27 [Ramirez]: Indeed.

2005-02-27 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Not really, not me anyway,lol I love the snow!

2005-02-28 [Noexistantanymo]: *Looks up the words since his vocabulary isn't good enough* X_X

2005-02-28 [Elmiira]: I can't help complaining.. but.. how can you take spring is coming-pictures when there's -15 celciuses cold and it's promised that it can be -30 this week...

2005-02-28 [Yuriona]: Or another 20cm (8 inches) of snow on the way. O_O

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: Because we don't all live in countries with those temperatures! In The Netherlands it was sunny today, no snow anywhere and about 5 degrees Celsius.. :)

2005-02-28 [Yuriona]: I think it's around -5 degrees Celsius here today and we're under a winter storm watch. Still, the pussy willow out in the back yard is starting to bud so spring is on the way... it's just taking it's sweet time!! LOL!

2005-02-28 [Sunrose]: 24 looks very familiar >.>

2005-02-28 [Charybdis]: Lol, I agree with Elmiira.. hard to take that kind of picture when spring is still a long ways away -_- However, that's probably why the deadline is in late March. Hmm.. it might be possible to see the ground by then :p (*gnrrggrnn5degreesCelsiusgnrrgngnggrgh*) Heh, Yuriona, I think that where I am we're expected to get your snowstorm in a couple of days. But you don't have to share if you don't want to ^_^

2005-02-28 [Ishje]: tomorrow the spring starts in holland...official

2005-02-28 [Charybdis]: You lucky bum :)

2005-02-28 [Ishje]: i wish :P it is freezing cold here, i am wrilly waiting for the summer.... *loves the summer*

2005-02-28 [Charybdis]: No kidding -_-

2005-03-02 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Its frezin cold here, but I still love it!

2005-03-02 [Charybdis]: Really? How cold?

2005-03-02 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Blow Zero! Has been like that all month!! REALLY COLD!!! (I live in Oregon) ^_^

2005-03-02 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: wow its been like 65-80 here .. : ( .. ( florida)

2005-03-02 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Wow, thats neat! LOL! I want it to be like that here!

2005-03-02 [Charybdis]: Nooooo.... x_x Heh, it's been below zero here since October :p *loves the -40 windchill... not*

2005-03-02 [Ishje]: i do like the snow whe have now :)

2005-03-03 [Jess!]: Below zero in Oregon? What part of Oregon are you from? :S

2005-03-03 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: I live in Albany OR! It never snows down in the valley, but it did this year,its starting to melt now

2005-03-04 [Cina]: My favorite is most definately "green paradise" ^.^

2005-03-04 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Yeah Same here ^_^

2005-03-04 [Ishje]: i like "a garden to wish for" but than i dont look at my own pic :P

2005-03-04 [Yuriona]: There is a whole second page of photos you should check out. A lot of excellent entries there too! ^^

2005-03-04 [Kyaa!]: Wazzup guys

2005-03-04 [Ishje]: *goes to check out the second page*

2005-03-04 [Jess!]: in right next to Corvallis? I'm in Corvallis and it didn't snow at all! :P In fact, it's been around 60 degrees for weeks

2005-03-04 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Oh really? Thats odd it did here, not by much, but it did

2005-03-04 [Jess!]: But seriously, how could it be below 0? The coldest it got here was around 30 or so a couple months ago... :P

2005-03-05 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Well it was cold here,I know because I live here....even the picture proofs snowed...

2005-03-05 [Jess!]: I believe it snowed, I just don't believe it was below 0 ;P hehe

2005-03-05 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: It was for like a night or so,but it did get like that.

2005-03-05 [Yuriona]:

Please be advised

that entries 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, & 40 will be removed unless the owners can explain how each photograph fits the contest theme.

2005-03-05 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Okie Dokie, not my number, sooo I'm good!

2005-03-05 [Jess!]: 13 is mine, golden raindrops. Notice the leaf is changing colors, signifying the coming of fall. That ok? :/

2005-03-05 [Yuriona]: Yup... perfect. Thanks. :)

2005-03-05 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: ^_^ I like yours Jess!

2005-03-05 [Charybdis]: Me too, but it makes me thirsty :p

2005-03-05 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Yeah, lol

2005-03-05 [Jess!]: haha thanks, yours is really cool too :)

2005-03-05 [Ishje]: mine is not there either :D

2005-03-05 [barutha]: 8. is mine. toadstools, late autumn, when the forest is cold and wet, drips on toadstools n that. just the darkness and damp of an overcats sky, denotes the oncoming of cold and snow. no? maybe. i htink it is relevant.

2005-03-05 [Yuriona]: That's all I needed to know thank you. :)

2005-03-05 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: I love yours too [barutha] really neat.

2005-03-05 [Moonhawk]: Well for mine(26) it shows how the sky can do amazing things when a spring storm is rolling in

2005-03-05 [Yuriona]: Red night at night... ^^ Thank you.

2005-03-05 [barutha]: hey thanks a lot. ive little confidence in my ability.

2005-03-06 [Ramirez]: 40. I believe that my entry symbolizes the changes of the season since it's like expressing Spring, which is like the beginning of a new life.

2005-03-06 [Yuriona]: Like the rising sun expresses new life like how? Like the sun comes up like every day. How is this dawn different? How is this dawn like expressing Spring?

2005-03-06 [Ramirez]: Well, in a way, no two sunrises are the same, so therefor it's a birth of a new sunrise every morning, which is like Spring since that is when new animals and such are born.

2005-03-06 [Yuriona]: Fair enough. Thank you.

2005-03-06 [Ramirez]: Mmhmm.

2005-03-06 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Your very much welcome [barutha]. ^_^

2005-03-09 [Lioness2]: I got the thirsty thing with [Jess!]'s Leaf photo, but it is superb! Excellent photgraphy skills, you must either have a tonn of talent or a REALLY good camera...or both, lol

2005-03-09 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Yeah, [Jess!]'s is nice, I really like it, There are alot of good photos out there.....not sure which is my fav LOL......teee-heeee

2005-03-19 [Jeccabee]: I like the "unstoppable melting" that's just cool...very nice angle

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: today is the deadline :D

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: Thx for reminding me O.o *finds his cable to connect his digicam and look for another picture to submit o.o

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: you are welcome

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: *Panics when he realizes that he forgot his cam at a friends place* @_@

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: oh oh :S did you allready have a pic?

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: I already got one up yah.. But still o.o

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: wich one?

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: #10.. ^^

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: i like that does make me think about zwitzerland a bit

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: Hehe okay O.o you got any pics up? =)

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: ehm yea, number 29 at this page

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: and number 82 at Season Photos, page 3

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: Hehe.. Simple and pretty =) I just posted another pic.. Take a look at the very last on page 5.. o.o

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: i will *goes to take a look*

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: ^^

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: that one is nice to :P the last bit of snow

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: The last bit of snow, hiding from the sun =D

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: hm it is spring time here...the bit snow whe had is allready gone...but oh i love this is nice warm

2005-03-21 [Noexistantanymo]: Glorious weather today.. Sprintime is coming.. (=

2005-03-21 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: I love both your pictures.. :-) feels like summer

2005-03-21 [Ishje]: hm...summer is the best :P nice weather, vacation and of course my birthday :P

2005-03-22 [barutha]: hey who won then?

2005-03-22 [Noexistantanymo]: I agree Marishka.. =) On all three parts.. I got birthday in the middle of the summer =) And we don't know who won yet..

2005-03-22 [Ishje]: hm the 4th of july, that date doesnt mean a thing in holland but mostly its vakation time and nice hot...

2005-03-22 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Its only March and I live in Oregon..and its been in the 80's raining again and getting :-(

2005-03-23 [Noexistantanymo]: Naww :p

2005-03-23 [Ishje]: i dont know how mucht the 80 is in duch tempratures...

2005-03-26 [That Girl.]: number 30 is amazing...

2005-03-26 [~!~Sweet - Diamond~!~]: Yeah I like that one,still trying to figure out what that one

2005-03-27 [Elmiira]: yo know, finally the spring is slowly coming here and i got some really good changing of season photos but this contest is already closed.. =.= So my luck..

2005-04-01 [Skanksta]: nice piccys !!!!!

2005-04-02 [Ishje]: when do whe know who had won?

2005-04-19 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Offical Suggestion: I think after this one... there should be a Shutter Bug Sun Set/Rise contest. For all those really awesome photographers who love sunset/sunrise shots.

2005-04-19 [Cougar]: to tell the truth i donno how the ones that won did win. o.O i couldn't tell the seasonal aspect of them at all.

2005-04-19 [Ishje]: yea i have seen that cannot see what it have to do with the seasons...but complaining...maby the next time is better..i hope

2005-04-19 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: I saw! I did! And honestly, I dunno How mine (19 and 31) fit into this catagory either... but oh well.

2005-04-21 [barutha]: whatever, i think changing seasons is pretty broad. how would you do it? i was surprised mine got in there too.

2005-04-21 [Ishje]: no i think it is an easy only need some things between the two seasons...snow with flowers or flowers who start to only have to look to the things that are happening when a season chances..

2005-04-21 [barutha]: well for me i think the fog and the early morning sunny wetness. makes me think of it anyway.

2005-04-21 [Ishje]: hm..maby..i like the pic's that have won but i guess the theme is diffrent for evry person ;)

2005-04-21 [barutha]: they should do a theme on pictures portraying 'nuclear fission'.

2005-04-21 [Ishje]: i am sorry but i don't know what that means in duch :S

2005-04-21 [barutha]: dont worry, i was being facetious.

2005-04-21 [Ipsilon]: I think a theme like "Children of the World" would be an interesting one

2005-04-21 [barutha]: how would you portray that apart from taking pictures of children? you know how edgy people can get around that.

2005-04-21 [Elmiira]: well, you deleted my comment. what ever.

2005-04-21 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: I agree. Taking picture of children would freak some people out. Espically if you have to take alot of them to get that one shot you've been looking for.

2005-04-21 [Ishje]: there are some parts of the world where you cannot take pictures of childen without premission of there parents...

2005-04-21 [Elmiira]: yeah. and then also, it is always wrong to put pics of people in net without their permission. hard to ask from a child.. so we should ask from the parents. But yeah, it's a hard theme. otherwise it would be good though..

2005-04-21 [Ishje]: yea i guess..

2005-04-21 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: But sun shots sounds like a good idea... or possiblily even the animals idea. Either one would be great.

2005-04-22 [Elmiira]: I liked the sun thing too. :) I love photographing sun.. :D

2005-04-22 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Oh! Ditto! Totally! I love the sun!

2005-04-22 [barutha]: sun is boring. sunsets get boring i mean. think of something good and difficult.

2005-04-22 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Why not a combo?

2005-04-22 [barutha]: what sort of thing?

2005-04-22 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Since lots of us like sunsets, then why not do sunsets with objects in them? For say, boats (for ppl with lakes in area) or maybe birds (seagulls for ppl with ocean area) or even trees, clouds... anything... as a combo.

2005-04-23 [Elmiira]: sounds good.. like with a name "under the downgoing sun" or something like that. I would like that idea. :)

2005-04-23 [xX.//Standing Up From Underneath//.Xx]: Great! Who wants to take this to the council?

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